BLM reports Stearns Fire northwest of Craig is fully contained

BLM firefighter Sam Weinberg cuts through sagebrush on Cedar Mountain in this photograph from the Craig Press archives. According to the Bureau of Land Management, a wildfire that had been currently burning in the area was contained as of Monday night, Sept. 16, 2024.
Eleanor C. Hasenbeck/Craig Press

A wildfire burning northwest of Craig in Moffat County is reported to be fully contained.

According to Bureau of Land Management officials, the wildfire dubbed the Stearns Fire was contained Monday night with no additional growth. The fire, which was reported at 1:57 a.m. Monday, has affected an estimated 8.3 acres off Moffat County Road 7 near Cedar Mountain.

The BLM reported the fire received rain overnight, but due to high winds, smoke and ash clouds are expected to remain visible over the next several days as there are still pockets of heat in the interior.

The investigation into the cause of the fire is ongoing. The public is being asked to avoid the area due to ongoing operations.

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