CNCC cancels 2025 softball season

Colorado Northwestern Community College has announced it will not host a 2025 softball season.
Courtesy Photo

Colorado Northwestern Community College recently announced the cancellation of its 2025 softball season.

A release from the school noted the “decision was made with the well-being, health, and safety of our student-athletes as the top priority.”

“CNCC remains fully committed to rebuilding the Spartan softball program in a way that ensures long-term success and fosters a positive and supportive environment for all players,” the release continued.

CNCC Athletic Director Zach Stevenson noted in the release that the decision was necessary to ensure “a safe, competitive and positive experience” for the program.

“This is about doing what is right for our students and setting the foundation for a brighter future,” Stevenson said.

CNCC is in the midst of recruiting a new head coach for the program to return for the 2026 season with a full roster and a renewed focus.

“Softball has a proud tradition here at CNCC, and we are excited about the future of the program,” Stevenson said. “This time of transition is an opportunity for us to ensure we are building something truly special—a program our student-athletes, campus, and community can be proud of.”

For updates on the Spartan softball program and other CNCC athletics, visit

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