CPW seeking seasoned outdoor enthusiasts statewide to serve on Sportsperson’s Roundtable

Colorado Parks and Wildlife is looking applicants for the Sportsperson’s Roundtable. The application period is open through Nov. 8.
Colorado Parks & Wildlife/Courtesy Photo

Colorado Parks and Wildlife is accepting applications from hunters, anglers and trappers from across Colorado to join the Sportsperson’s Roundtable. The application period is open through Nov. 8. 

Volunteering for the Sportsperson’s Roundtable enables Colorado residents who love the outdoors to help CPW with important wildlife management and recreation issues.

The Sportsperson’s Roundtable comprises members representing a broad range of hunting, fishing and trapping interests in Colorado. These interests include but are not limited to, small and big game hunting, sport fishing, outfitting and other sportsperson-dependent businesses. The Roundtable meets in person twice a year to help the agency by sharing information, discussing important topics and identifying emerging issues.

Roundtable members serve two-year terms. Responsibilities of members include:

• Participating in half- to full-day in-person meetings twice a year and occasional virtual meetings. Travel to in-person meetings is at the member’s expense. 

• Attending periodic regional CPW sportsperson’s meetings and other meetings with hunters, anglers and trappers in your area 

• Maintaining strong relationships with fellow sportspeople and staying informed about current events and emerging issues. 

• Identifying topics for discussion at Roundtable meetings. Actively sharing information and ideas with Roundtable members and CPW staff during and between meetings. 

• Providing your contact information on the CPW Roundtable webpage and being available to sportspersons around the state to discuss information pertinent to the Roundtable.

CPW aims to maintain a geographically diverse membership on the Roundtable with representation from around the state. Representatives must reside in the region they represent. The Sportsperson’s Roundtable is currently accepting applications from sportspeople in all CPW regions.

For more information about the Sportsperson’s Roundtable, visit EngageCPW or email Jonathan Boydston at

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