Deadline to take survey from Northwest Colorado Energy Initiative is Sept. 18

The deadline to take a survey from the Northwest Colorado Energy Initiative has been extended to Wednesday, Sept. 18.

This is the second survey from the Northwest Colorado Energy Initiative. It shift gears to look into people’s understanding of different energy types and the concept of utilizing different forms of energy together. To take the survey, go to

The second survey seeks to build on the insights gained from Northwest Colorado Energy Initiative’s first survey, which provided insight into the energy needs and preferences of Northwest Colorado residents.

“Our goal is to move the discussion beyond the traditional ‘either/or’ mindset, where communities feel forced to choose between different energy sources, toward an ‘and’ mindset, where a diversity of energy sources can be utilized in collaboration,” said Matt Solomon, NCEI Project Manager.

Completing the survey takes approximately 10 minutes and participation is anonymous. The survey is open to the public.

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