MCSD Whiteboard: Investing in school libraries

Moffat County School District
Moffat County School District has massively reinvested in its school libraries during the 2024-25 school year.
MCSD/Courtesy photo

We all know reading is the superpower that young people need to drive into bright and successful futures. Not only does reading make it easier to do everything else, it’s also a wonderful way for anyone, young or old, to learn, from the experiences of others, the work of others, or the imagination of others.

That’s all why Moffat County School District has massively reinvested in its school libraries this year. Between a handful of different funding sources, MCSD has poured a little more than $32,000 into new books purchased for school libraries from the tallest to the smallest.

We’re so proud to be able to revitalize these learning centers. School libraries are a place where students can learn to learn. It’s where they go to learn to love reading. It’s where they go to learn under their own direction and motivation.

Our library specialists, led by Sandrock Elementary’s Christy Gonzales, have worked hard to update hundreds and hundreds of books. Many books in our libraries were shockingly, even hilariously old. Others were just no good anymore. And so many books our students needed weren’t there yet! Now they are.

We’re so grateful to be able to boost our libraries, and with them, our students’ access to a love of reading and love of learning. We want the school library to be a place of excitement, fun, and engagement for our students. We need this. Our students need it. We’re happy to be doing it.

It takes a lot to make this happen, and we’re grateful to all those who put in the time and effort to do so. It’s just so vital for our students to have a place to go and find a good book. Now we do. We hope you encourage your students to avail themselves of this resource. Teachers certainly will, but every angle of encouragement helps.

Students who love to read are students who love to learn forever. That makes a good employee, a good employer, a good community member, and a good person. We need it!

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