Moffat County 4-H Open House Feb. 5
The annual 4-H Open House will take place at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 5 at the Moffat County Extension Office at Moffat County Courthouse, 1198 W. Victory Way.
In Moffat County, 4-H reaches roughly 250 youth with the help of about 40 volunteers. 4-H is delivered by Colorado’s land grant university, Colorado State University through the local County Extension Office.
“4-H’s mission is to empower youth to reach their full potential by working and learning in partnership with caring adults,” reads a news release from the organization. “4-H’s vision is a world in which youth and adults learn, grow and work together.”
Enrollment for the 2025 year is open until March 31. Youth can participate in a number of different projects from cake decorating to livestock.
While in 4-H, youth not only learn about the project but they learn life skills such as leadership, citizenship and community service. 4-H is always looking for more leaders to projects. Join and see what 4-H can do.
4-H is the largest youth development organization, serving over six million youth across the country. It serves youth in urban, suburban and rural communities. 4-H in Colorado reaches over 110,000 youth, 10,000 volunteers, and 100 staff members annually.
For more information, call 970-824-9180.
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